Liebster Award #4

Thank you to James over at Hope Blogs for nominating me for the Liebster Award. 

The rules are as follows:

  • Thank the wonderful person who nominated you.
  • Display the logo for the award


  • Nominate 10 other bloggers
  • Answer the questions that the person who nominated you has set.

James’ questions and my answers:

1. What is your favourite thing to do?

It depends on my mood. I love going to classes at the gym, going out for walks with Dave and Walter and reading

2. Why do you write your blog ?

The main reason initially for writing my blog was as a way of dealing with my depression and anxiety. Now I also like to help other people who also live with mental illness see that they are not alone. I enjoy being a part of the wordpress community. 

3. What’s your favourite memory?

My wedding day

4. Do you think technology is good or bad ?

Both. There are positives and negatives to technology.

5. How many blog drafts / ideas do you have ? Tease us :p

I have a few at any given time. Some drafts have been there for months. Other ideas will come to me randomly. 

My nominations:

First Time Valley Mam


Borderline Amelia

Bipolar to Happiness

Bipolar Dad, Bipolar Daughter

The Sound of Ed’s Voice

Square Peg in a Round Hole

Smiling Through Recovery


Getting Through Anxiety

My questions:

  1. What is your favourite film franchise?
  2. How did you come up with your blog name?
  3. Favourite breed of dog?
  4. If a film were to be made about your life which actor/actress would you want to play you and why?
  5. Your life motto?

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