Walter has something he would like you all to know…

We are so happy that we are pregnant. Our baby is due in November!

Walter knew I was pregnant a week before I even did a pregnancy test. He went from being settled when left to really anxious. He also became super clingy and protective on walks. Dave and I tracked back to the time I would have fell pregnant and it was the same time Walter’s behaviour changed. 

Our baby was in a really awkward position during the 12 week scan this morning. We did see and hear its heartbeat, see its tiny hands and feet and it was moving away. But because the baby is in an awkward position, we are going back again on Thursday evening so all the proper measurements can be done. 

Goodbye Grandad

Yesterday morning, my lovely grandad passed away in his sleep. Since being diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, he had to deal with a huge number of significant health problems including not being able to eat properly, which resulted in him losing an awful lot of weight. 

Unfortunately, my grandad contracted bacterial pneumonia. For your typically healthy person, this is a serious health issue. So you can imagine how much strain this put on my grandad. I am just glad that he isn’t suffering anymore. Towards the end he was barely conscious, unable to talk or even swallow. 

My grandad was a lovely, kind and warm gentleman. He had a good word to say about everyone. I have so many fond memories of him. He loved telling us stories from when my dad was little and about things he had been up to. My grandad was so proud of my brother, my sister and I. He took a genuine interest in our lives. My grandad had a sweet tooth and loved cakes and biscuits. My nan would tell him off for sneaking biscuits out of the kitchen. So you can imagine how hard it was for us as a family to see him refusing to eat or unable to eat. 

I type this with tears streaming down my face. I just can’t quite believe I will never see him again. Yesterday evening, I went round to see my nan. It was truly heartbreaking being in the house knowing my grandad will never be there. 

Goodbye Grandad George. I am so honoured to have had you in my life. I will always miss you. Love Gemma xxx