Being a Mum

Daisy is now 8 days old. I can’t remember life before her. It is hard to put into words how much I love her.

It is crazy the impact a baby has on you. There are times that have been hard. We found out that Daisy was tongue tied. This made feeding traumatic for all of us. But we were lucky enough to get it sorted when Daisy was 4 days old. I can’t remember what it feels like to have a decent night’s sleep, the house is a mess and I feel clueless at times.

But despite all of the hard times they make the good times feel even more amazing. I love giving Daisy cuddles and kisses. Sometimes I look at her and can’t believe that I am a Mum and I have this amazing little girl. I love waking up to her lying in her moses basket next to me. I love how she looks at me.

Walter has adapted well to Daisy. Dave and I had concerns how Walter would react to Daisy. But he is so sweet with her. He likes to make sure she is ok. He is completely used to her crying when she needs changing or feeding.

I am not comfortable posting photos of Daisy on here. However, I have been posting photos on my closed instagram which is @originalgemskibob if you want to follow me. If you could send me a message saying who you are I would appreciate it.

Welcome to the world Daisy Georgia

On 20th October at 2.02pm, our little girl Daisy Georgia made a whirlwind entrance to the world weighing 6lb 1oz.

At 5am on 20th October, I woke up in bed to discover my waters had broken. I went to the hospital to confirm this. By 10.30am, I was having strong and consistent contractions. I only know this now as when we get to hospital at 1pm, I was fully dilated and ready to push. I completely surprised myself by giving birth without pain relief. The hospital told me that I had done all the hard work at home.

Daisy came 19 days early. She was born a day before what would have been my Grandad George’s birthday. Although she is in tiny baby clothes, she is doing well.

Although we are already sleep deprived, Dave and I are completely in love with Daisy.

( Nearly) 37 weeks

The last few weeks have gone past in the blink of an eye. Even though I am at the point in my pregnancy where I feel uncomfortable most of the time.

Up until the past few days, Jellybean felt like she lived in my ribs. It was virtually impossible to ever feel comfortable. Towards the end of last week, Jellybean moved down. For the first time in my pregnancy, I actually had an appetite!

During my 36 week midwife appointment, my bump was measuring big yet again. I went for a growth scan the following day. Jellybean is absolutely fine. She isn’t measuring big and is actually spot on in terms of her weight.

New symptoms I am experiencing are waking up completely drenched in sweat. I feel like I have done a 45 minutes Bodycombat class! I have been having some intense pressure in my bump at times too. Last night, I woke up feeling nauseous and ended up throwing up. Dave is convinced I will go into labour before my due date.

Dave and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary last week. It was nice to spend some time together before Jellybean arrives. We went out for a Chinese which was delicious.

I will end the post with another photo of Walter. We got him a new harness. It looks super comfy and looks great on him